The importance of a great photograph: We are surrounded by images everywhere and we have become a more visual society. TV, magazines, billboards and the Internet has made us count on images to understand things better.
When you are setting up your Face Book page, your Linked In page, dating profiles and other social networks you need to have a good photograph of you, one that will show your personality and will show what you do. People will remember you if your image is fun and smart.
These are places where you can use your image to send out a message that will emphasize what you write. I have been seeing so many bad and out of focus images of people. I see heads being cut off , glare and horrible backgrounds. What is it with the crooked images that show a messy garage?
I know... you may think that I'm judging people by how they look but I'm not. I'm judging their bad photographs and just as I dress properly for a meeting, I believe that images on the social network pages are bold, fun, good and say something about the person.
My photographs are fun and easy to do. I'm a photographer and so I can use the camera in every shot and I will be sending a message. You don't have to carry a building or a truck but you can use fantastic backgrounds or details of things that will show what you do or what you like. Use architecture, geometrical shapes, bold colors but make sure they don't compete with the image of you.